--sheet <filename> 要输出的文件的名字 Name of the sheet to write, see texture-format for formats available --texture-format <id> 要输出的图片格式 png、pvr2、pvr2gz、jpg 等 Sets the format for the textures. --data <filename> plist文件的名字 Name of the data file to write --format <format> 类型 cocos2d 、unity 等 Format to write, default is cocos2d --force-publish 忽略hash_key 每次都强制从新输出 Ignore smart update hash and force re-publishing of the files --texturepath <path> 输出路径 Adds the path to the texture file name stored in the data file. --border-padding <int> 图片之间间隔 Sets a padding around each the border, value is in pixels, default is 2 --shape-padding <int> 图片形状间隔 Sets a padding around each shape, value is in pixels, default is 2 --trim-mode <value> 删除透明像素恢复原始大小,加快渲染 Remove transparent parts of a sprite to shrink atlas size and speed up rendering None - Keep transparent pixels Trim - Remove transparent pixels, use original size. Crop - Remove transparent pixels, use trimmed size, flush position. CropKeepPos - Remove transparent pixels, use trimmed size, keep position.
--basic-sort-by 图片排序 Sort order for the sprite list Best - Best Name - Name Width - Width Height - Height Area - Area Circumference - Circumference --basic-order 方向排序 Sorting direction Ascending - Ascending Descending - Descending --scale <float> 缩放 Scales all images before creating the sheet. E.g. use 0.5 for half size --max-size <int> 最大的尺寸 Sets the maximum width and height for the texture in auto size mode, default is 2048 --size-constraints <value> 结纹理进行大小格式化,AnySize 任何大小 POT 使用2次幂 Restrict sizes POT - Power of 2 (2,4,8,16,32,...) AnySize - Minimum size NPOT - Any size but power of 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Examples: TexturePacker assets/*.png creates out.plist and out.png from all png files in assets trimming all files and creating a texture with max. 2048x2048px
TexturePacker --data main-hd.plist --format cocos2d --sheet main-hd.png assets/*.png creates main-hd.plist and main-hd.png from all png files in assets trimming all files and creating a texture with max. 2048x2048px
TexturePacker --scale 0.5 --max-size 1024 --data main-sd.plist --format cocos2d --sheet main-sd.png assets/*.png creates main-sd.plist and main-sd.png from all png files in assets scaling all images to 50%, trimming all files and creating a texture with max. 1024x1024px